Part 95: That's certainly a familiar face, isn't it?
-Commercial City of Bose-
Corna: Of course, what is it?

Are you Corna? We're from the Bracer Guild.
Corna: Oh, my, yes! Thank you for coming. I've been waiting. This must be about my request.

Nice to meet you, then! I'm Estelle Bright, senior bracer.
Corna: My apologies for calling on you like this...But I fear I have no other resources left to me. This will take some time to explain...Can you hear me out?

Of course! Go ahead.

Standing will just tire us, I think. Why not take a seat before we begin?

Good idea! Lemme see if I can claim us a table.

Someone you haven't met in ten years.
Corna: Yes, I'm searching for my niece. Her name is Raini. If she's alive, she would be about twenty now.

Wait, 'if she's alive'? I don't quite--

Ten years...yes, I see.

Only one thing could have happened ten years ago in such a case...

...The Hundred Days War, isn't it?

Corna: Yes, exactly. When hostilities broke out, my sister was staying in this city. She wasn't able to get out before the Imperial Army reached the city. Thanks to an acquaintance of my sister's, I soon learned of her and her husband's...passing. And while I never had word of exactly what happened to Raini...Well, it was easy to just assume. It's been ten long years...I'd completely given up, assuming Raini had long since joined the Goddess. But very recently, I learned something new. A source told me that Raini had not only survived, but had been adopted by someone here in Bose.

So then you think Raini's alive?
Corna: Honestly? I don't know. I barely dare to hope. And what's worse, my source was so vague. I have no idea WHO adopted her!

Oof, that makes things harder.
Corna: heart tells me to believe. To believe the sweet little girl my sister loved is alive. I must believe, which is why I beg you, help me.

I don't think anyone here will doubt you, ma'am. This is certainly something worth looking into.

We don't have much in the way of clues, though. All we have is a name and an age, right?
Corna: I do have a photograph of Raini, as well.

A photo? That'd help!
Corna: Yes, it's not much, but...

Haha, she's adorable.

Haha! Seriously! So she'd be, what, ten in this?
Corna: Yes, it was taken right on her tenth birthday. Just before her family left on holiday.

Estelle, is something bothering you?

Oh, uh, it's nothing, really. I was just kinda...mad, I guess. An innocent kid like that, caught up in that stupid war...
Not unlike Estelle and her own parents, come to think of it.

It IS hard to find the words.

It falls to us, then, to make it right.



Ma'am, we will take the photograph, if you don't mind.
Corna: Please, by all means.
Received Photograph of Raini.

Well, we know what she looks like now, but...How are we actually gonna do this? Raini could be anywhere. She might not even be IN Bose anymore!

Hmm. We do, at least, have the photograph. Someone may recognize her from that time. We should ask around.

Do you think that'll work?

In a way, ten years is not that long. Someone should at least remember her, even if they do not know precisely what became of her.

It is our best shot, I guess. Let's start asking around, then.
Corna: Please, you are my only hope. If you find anything out, come by here again.

We will!
Alright, now to find somebody who remembers this girl.

That one's going to be a challenge, I suspect, but do your best to solve it. That poor woman who submitted the request seems to be at the end of her rope.
Sting: I think your best clues will be hair and eye color. Other outward physical signs or mannerisms change as people grow older, and you're working on a decade here, right? Discard any expectations or biases you may have. Focus on the constants.
But do you have any idea just how many women with blue hair there are in Liberl?! That doesn't narrow it down at all!
Manager Lechter: Well, I don't recall seeing her back then during the war, but it's just...Those EYES. Those green eyes of hers, they jump out at me, and I don't just mean they're cute or something. I swear someone with eyes like hers has visited the Anterose. But who...?
Father Holstein: Forgive me--I'm afraid I have no recollection of her. Still, I'm sure you'll come to meet with her if you follow the Goddess' path. Do what you must, and may you never lose hope.

You recognize it?
Butler Mayner: I do not recall this photograph precisely, no. But...I distinctly remember seeing another picture of the girl shown here in the master's study. I do wonder who it was a picture of. Perhaps you could find something there.
I'm not sure what to do now. How are we ever going to resolve this if we can't find one person in this town who recognizes Lila?
Let's just ask her for a list of everyone she knows.

Th-Th-Tha-that p-picture...

Uh...yeah. You see--
Estelle explained that the group was looking for Corna's niece, who went missing in the Hundred Days War.

I...I see.

Do you have any idea who's in this photo?
Please bear with Estelle, she bumped her head on a dragon last week.

No...I'm afraid not.

...You're sure? You looked just a BIT surprised when you saw it.

Yes, I was struck by how much that girl resembles an acquaintance. I was a little unsure if it was her. I'm sorry, but I must get back to work. Pardon me. I am in the middle of cleaning. I am sincerely sorry, but if you have business with me, it will have to wait for another time.

Estelle, where in the world did you get this picture?

Uh, well...
Estelle explained that the group was looking for Corna's niece, who went missing in the Hundred Days War.

Is...that so...? Why has this come up now, of all times...

Why do I get the feeling you have some idea of what's up?

I...I may, at that.

Out of curiosity. Have you shown that photograph to Lila yet?

Yeah, actually, we showed it to her a bit ago.

Did you, now...? Did she say anything?

Yeah, she REALLY freaked out for a moment when she saw it. She didn't say much of anything, though.

Though it was SO obvious she was hiding something it almost hurt.

I see. Blast it, Lila, why...*sigh* I suppose it falls to me to explain.

Er, I think I'm a little lost. You know the girl in the picture?

Of course I do. I've known the girl in that picture for ages, and she's...very important to me. Because the girl in that Lila.
-In My Heart-

Say WHAT?!

Oh, my!

Certainly not what I expected!

Think even the Goddess'd be surprised at that one. And she's, y'know, omniscient.
This is no time for sarcasm you guys're sure?

Completely and absolutely.

Lila came to our home on a certain day ten years ago. The day the army of Erebonia began its assault on the city of Bose.

No way...

When Father returned after assisting in the evacuation of much of the citizenry, he had a girl with him. Father would only say that she had been entrusted to him by strangers. That girl was Lila. Not that I look, she was even wearing the same clothes then, though they were bloody and torn.

It all matches Corna's testimony, and even explains some of the questions.

I believe we have found 'Raini.'

One thing, though: the names. We're looking for a girl named Raini, not Lila.

Raini? So that was Lila's old name?

Er, yeah, that's what Corna told us, at least. Hang on, you didn't know Lila's real name, Maybelle?

No, she never told us...

She did not name herself? I find it hard to believe she did not know her own name at that age.

I wish she could've given her name...or anything, in those days. When Lila came to live with us, she could barely say anything at all. How can I even describe it? It was as if she was in a state where she'd forgotten how to speak entirely.

How would that even...

Son of a...Medically, we call it temporary aphasia. It's when you lose the ability to speak. It can be caused by extreme mental trauma, like seeing your...A girl like her had to see something so horrible it took her ability to speak...

Yes, her soul was far more hurt than her body when she came to live with us. We all tried our best, but Lila always kept a little distance between herself and everyone else. So we never learned her true name.

So how'd she get the name 'Lila,' then?

Father gave it to her. It was inconvenient, to say the least, for her to remain nameless.

Hmm, I believe we understand now. We must ask Lila about this again, then.

Yes, there's only one thing to do...

Let me get Sarah to bring her here.

Thank you, Sarah. Would you leave us for a bit?
Sarah: Of course, pardon me.

Our bracer friends showed me this photograph. That's certainly a familiar face, isn't it?

Lila...this is you, isn't it?


I think I can guess why you're remaining quiet. You're concerned about Father, aren't you? I know you feel as though you owe Father a great debt.

But, Lila...I don't want that to be a burden on your life. And I know he wouldn't, either.

A burden...?

Yes, it's why you haven't said anything about this all this time, isn't it? You feel obligated to remain here out of debt to what Father did.

That is...well...

Father said it often, didn't he? 'Those trapped by the shackles of the past can never blaze a new trail.'

Lila, you've done more for our family than could ever have been expected or asked of you. You don't need to keep shackling yourself to the past. Go meet this Corna woman. Meet her and reclaim your life.

...Miss Maybelle...I understand what you're trying to say.

Unfortunately, however...The Raini you are searching for is no longer with us.


What do you mean?

Raini was killed in the Hundred Days War, alongside her parents. She rests peacefully somewhere in this land. That is what I've told myself all these years.

Because...Because if I didn't, it would be too sad, too lonely bear...

Oh, Lila...


I can't believe this...I've been such an idiot. You've been bearing all this within you all this time. I should've...


Um, Lila? I don't think you need to lie to yourself any more. Don't you?

I'm sorry?

Maybelle, Sarah...Mayner, the people of the market, I bet a lot of others around town, too...Everyone thinks of you as part of their family, Lila. There's no way you're alone any more.


I think so, as well.

Got that right! The bonds between people're stronger than you might think!

Yes, I agree! It may simply be my humble opinion, but you are hardly alone here.

Lila, are you listening? Do you see what they mean?

You're one of the most...No. With Father gone,'re THE most precious, important person in my life.

So saying you're alone like that...Please, please don't say something so terribly sad. You've NEVER been alone, Lila. Ever.

Miss Maybelle...

And, Lila...Lying to yourself to forget something painful? It's exactly what Father hated to see. Someone trapped by their past...

Father entrusted us both with such a valuable lesson...Please, don't let it go to waste. Lila, go meet Corna. Please. Or does what Father taught us mean so little to you?


Very well...I'll accept defeat. *sigh* Miss Maybelle, you're terrible. How is anyone meant to say no to an argument like that?

That, my dear Lila, is the secret to driving a hard bargain.

All right! That's that!

*phew* Good to see that's all settled.

Yes, I'm glad.

Come on, then! Let's go meet her.


Go meet...Er, you're coming, Maybelle?

It should be all right, I think. Her father has passed away, so she must represent him in spirit.

Yes, yes, precisely!

Come on, Lila, let's be off.

...All right. I'll accompany you, then.

Oh, no, you don't. I'M the one 'accompanying' YOU this time. Come on, get in front of me. Left, right, left, right, let's go!

But, but, but...

Hahaha. It's okay, Lila. After all, you're the star this time!

Precisely! See? Listen to the smart bracer lady. Coooome on, hurry now. I'll be right behind you.

Corna: I see. To think things got so complicated...Raini...I'm so, so sorry we didn't come looking for you. I wish we could have found you sooner.

No, Auntie, don't apologize. It wasn't anyone's fault, except maybe that of the times. And over the last ten years...I can honestly say I've been very happy.
Corna: Miss Maybelle...Thank you, so very much! I owe you and your father a debt that can never be repaid!

No, not at all. If anything, I should be grateful to you, and to your sister and her husband. Lila has been such an important part of my life...

Er, ahem! I should say Raini. I'm sorry.
Corna: No, please, call her as you have. That is the name she has here, after all. I am just glad to know she has been safe and matter her name. Miss Maybelle, I beg you. Please continue to take care of her.

Er, well. I would certainly love for her to remain with us, but...Do you not intend to take her home with you?
Corna: Oh, I planned to at first, of course. But...Seeing her now...I couldn't be so cruel. To continue living here, with the people she loves and all her friends...No one who loves her could take that away from her.

Auntie Corna...
Corna: Hmhm! Now, now, dumpling, don't make that face. Of course, I do hope you'll visit your uncle and me every once in a while. I know the distance will make it difficult, but we would both love it.

Why would distance be an issue?
Corna: Ah, I didn't mention, but our home is quite far away. You know where the Leman State is, I take it?

The Leman State? Of course I've heard of it! That's where the guild has its training ground and headquarters!

Any bracer worth his salt knows about it.

I see, so Lila's not from Liberl! (That does sort of explain the kinda unique feeling she's always given off.)
Corna: Even by airship, it is quite a trip. I do hope you will come and visit us some day. But even then, I will still keep in touch.

I will too. And I promise I'll find time to visit.
Corna: I'll be counting the days until then. Now, Raini...Let me get another good look at you. Ah, you really are the image of your mother...

I look like...Mother?
Corna: That you do. Not just in appearance, but even in the way you move, your speech...You really are so like your mother when she was your age.

Corna: I'm sure she has been watching over you. Your wonderful new friends and's what she would have wanted. Live happily, my Raini...for your mother's sake as well.

I will, Auntie...I promise I will.
-Commercial City of Bose-

Yes, Miss Maybelle?

About what we were discussing earlier...When were you planning on doing it?

My trip back to Leman, you mean? I haven't quite decided yet.

Hmm, all right. Just be sure and let me know when you're going well in advance, okay? I'll need to adjust my schedule.

What do you mean, Miss Maybelle?

Well, I AM going with you, after all. I really want to see what your home was like. Besides...

Besides what?

I was thinking, it would be really nice to hear some stories from your childhood. I know you've heard all sorts of stories about me from before you came to live here. And I need to find some kind of embarrassing chink in that armor of yours, or I won't be able to do ANYTHING with you.

So you're after my naughtiest secrets? Haha...

Ahem, well, I'm afraid I shall have to disappoint you, Miss Maybelle. My early childhood was one of exquisite conduct. Unlike certain infamous tomboys who would be scandalized should their pasts be made public, I have nothing to fear.

Ohhh, reeeeeeeeally? I wouldn't underestimate my ability to sniff out the truth, if I were you.

Hahaha...Well, let's see what you can manage. I'll let you know as soon as I've made a decision.

Please do, Lila. Anyway, what's on the agenda for today?

You have your regularly scheduled meetings inside the manor from morning until teatime. Afterward, you will attend the review board for applicants to the market.

Wait, the review board? That's TODAY?! Oh, Aidios, just strike me dead. I have to read those applicant evaluations right away!

Lila, hurry! We've gotta move it!

Something tells me I won't be going to Leman for a while...

You went through so much trouble, simply on my account...
Just don't pop your eyes like that again. That was kinda scary.

It wasn't really any trouble. I'm glad we could help! After all...seeing two people who were once strangers, and were a little afraid to admit how close they'd become, accepting their feelings...That was something I think I needed to see, too.


I see. Estelle, you are one of a kind in your kindness. Thank you.

Speaking of finding people, when are you going to visit your family?

We have not yet set a date. It will depend on Miss Maybelle. It has been decided that she will accompany me, after all.

Hey, yeah, that sounds cool.

It is nice, but it means we will not be leaving immediately. Miss Maybelle tends to bury herself in her work. Getting her out of the house can be...difficult.

Oooooh, yeeeeeah, that might be a problem.

Well, even if it is not happening immediately, I do intend to visit. I will simply have to wait patiently for an opportunity.

And thank you again for your help with Lila.

That was kind of a surprise for everyone, wasn't it?

A surprise? Yeah, that's one way to put it.

It all really turned out for the best, though, so I'm super glad we could be a part of it.

Yes, you were a great help. Honestly, I feel guilty. It seems like I cause nothing but trouble for you whenever we meet. I hope you can get some rest at the Kingfisher Inn.

Heehee. Don't worry, I think we can call it even.

Haha. Please, enjoy yourselves. I hope you all have a nice holiday.